Currently I'm...
Reading...several Philosophy Prospectuses (PhD research proposals) in an attempt to determine how I ought to structure my own now that I'm finished with the exam stage of my PhD and have moved on to the research stage.
Playing...myVegas Slots on both Facebook and my iPad in an attempt to earn enough Loyalty Points to get a free night in The Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas during Passion Parties Convention this March.
Watching...Torchwood with my wonderful Partner.
Trying...to catch up after taking a genuine break over the Holiday Season. First thing on my list is getting my Valentine's Brochures mailed out to all my VIP Customers.
Cooking...very little because my Partner does most of the cooking. This is the usual in our house, he loves to cook so he makes us tasty meals and I clean up after him when he's done making a mess of the kitchen.
Eating...healthy; With my gluten intolerance in full force and in order to avoid the type-2 diabetes that runs in my family, I have stopped eating processed sugars and high-starch foods.
Drinking...decaf coffee or tea. I fell off that coffee-free-wagon during the last week of study before my exam and started using coffee to get me through the afternoon without losing focus. So now I'm working on detoxing again.
Calling...my customers, hosts, and friends who had expressed interest in hosting a party before Valentine's Day.
Texting...my Parents. They learned to text last year and now I find it really handy to send them a quick note. I still call my Mom fairly often because no matter how old I get,I still find her voice particularly calming and she always knows just what to say. My Dad is a man of few words most of the time anyway so he seems to appreciate it when I text.
Tweeting...less often. I got out of the habit of tweeting while I was taking my genuine time off over the holiday season and now I'm working on getting back in the game.
Crafting...kitchen art. My friend from school showed me what she and her partner did with the beautiful craft beer box they had and I finally got around to using their idea on the several boxes my beer-loving partner had collected.
Scrapping...out of date office and promotional supplies. I decided it is time for some New Year's office cleaning so I've been getting rid of anything with out of date contact info that needs to be replaced rather than just blacked out (which is what I try to do for environmental reasons).
Doing...house cleaning and organizing. This is the first year I didn't leave my house spotless when I went home to visit family and I'm still regretting it two weeks after coming back.
Going...to Palm Springs, CA for Reading Week to spend some quality time with my Parents and Partner.
Loving...Crochet! The reason I've been pinning up a storm is because I learned to Crochet to make presents for my nephews at the beginning of December and I am still in the honey-moon stage with this new incredibly relaxing hobby.
Yggdrasil Game Board |
Discovering...online yarn ordering!!! Are you noticing a theme? I just ordered a bunch of yarn from the UK with free shipping to Canada; if I wasn't a grad student this would make me feel guilty because it is in direct opposition to my "buy from local women in business" motto. That said...the local woman-owned shop I love won't have all the specific colors I was looking for this time...
Enjoying...playing Yggdrasil with my partner; he bought this collaborative board game over the holidays and it is a lot of fun. Also...it is set in a beautiful tree and I love trees.
Thinking...about Natural Kinds and Biological Traits...which is what I'm doing my PhD research on.
Feeling...excited! I love re-working my schedule and having a good excuse to regain a good work-life balance. Since January is the start of a new semester for school and the start of a new year...it is the perfect time for this.
Hoping (for)...the continuing energy to do all the things I want to do this year.
Listening (to)...jazz. I always feel like I should be having a glass of wine by candle light when I listen to jazz. Perhaps that's why I like it.
Celebrating...5 years with my partner. 10 days from today is the 5 year anniversary of the day Danny and I met and this Valentine's Day will be 5 years from when we started dating.
Smelling...coffee. While I am drinking tea most of the time these days, my partner loves his coffee so I get to smell it brewing...I love that smell.
Thanking...my partner for making a wonderful breakfast for us while I check off a few more things on my to-do list.
Considering...going shopping this afternoon.
Finishing...my bookkeeping for 2013
Starting...several new crochet projects.
Originally posted on SharisPassion.com; moved when VaryNiche.com was created.