Anyway, this time I had the foresight to actually take pictures of each step so here is my first nail art tutorials. Enjoy.
First is the pumpkin nails...
Step 1: Two coats of Casper
Step 2: Roundish Dots of Nan
Step 3: Curved Stripes (with a striping brush but still thick enough stripes that a regular little paint brush would probably do) of Marjorie.
Step 4: Little steps of Candace (again with the striping brush)
Step 5: Strip over part of the stem and add little background leaves beside the pumpkins with Popova
Finally, back to Casper for little pumpkin faces that will glow along with the background. I used a dotting tool for this one. :)
And now for the harvest moon nails...
Step 1: Two coats of Daria.
Step 2: One big dot of Anisa.
Step 3. Before the Anisa is fully dry, add a generous dot of Casper over top and move around with a dotting tool to get texture on your moon.

Step 4. When the moon is dry, use the end of a Q-tip to sponge Brandt clouds accross the nails.
Step 5. Sponge Casper over your Brandt in places to finish the clouds and make them glow like the moon!
Hope you love these as much as I do!!!!!
If you'd like to get fun new nail colors mailed to you each month like I've been indulging in as of late (except on those tight budget months when I skip it), you can become a Julep Maven too. If you'd also like to give me a present that won't cost you anything extra...please include this invitation code as part of your sign up order: 13338556. As with any good addiction, you can get your first box free. Try these codes: FREEBOX or JULEPVIP or FREEMAVEN.
Originally posted on; moved when was created.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
Originally posted on; moved when was created.